Last updated:3/10/2025, 3:09:34 PM

Automotive Service Advisor / Writer | Weekends Off | Blendon Woods

Columbus, OhioFull-time •permanent

Job Overview

<p><strong>Job Title:</strong></p><p>Automotive Service Advisor /&#xa0;Writer</p><p><strong>Location: &#xa0;</strong></p><p>8555 Sancus Blvd, Columbus, OH 43240</p><p><strong>Job Overview:</strong></p><p>As an Automotive Service Advisor / Writer with Christian Brothers Automotive, you are the person that our customers look to when they need help with their vehicle. You are the person that our customers see every time they make an investment into their vehicle, because of these reasons you play a large role in building relationships with our customers. &#xa0;</p><p>Service Advisors have the responsibility of taking our customer through the entire repair process, keeping them informed of the status of their vehicle and ensuring their satisfaction before they leave our facility.</p><p><strong>Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:</strong></p><ul><li>Greet every customer that enters our facility with hospitality and respect</li><li>Present the best solution to properly repair our customer’s vehicle in a way that is easy for them to understand</li><li>Manage the store’s workflow in an effective and efficient manner</li><li>Consistently and effectively sell our services without jeopardizing honesty and integrity</li><li>Maintain a positive attitude and team atmosphere at all times</li><li>Communicate on the phone in a clear professional manner</li><li>Build long-term relationships between the store, yourself and the guests</li><li>Directs, coordinates, and participates in performing customer service activities</li><li>Shuttle customers as needed in CBA branded vehicle</li><li>Ensure that all repairs are performed to proper specifications.</li><li>Work together as a team and&#xa0;assist other employees as needed.</li><li>Other duties as&#xa0;assigned.</li></ul>


<p><strong>Christian Brothers Automotive&#xa0;</strong></p><p><strong>Benefits:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Top pay for Qualified Service Advisors/Parts Estimator&#xa0;</strong></li><li><strong>Closed Every Weekend&#xa0;To Spend Time With Family &amp; Friends</strong></li><li><strong>Paid Vacation &amp; Paid Holidays</strong></li><li><strong>Healthcare Benefits Available</strong></li><li><strong>On-Going Training &amp; Career Advancement</strong></li><li><strong>Employee Point Store Access - Redeem Your Training Points For Awesome Swag &amp; Rewards</strong></li><li><strong>Continuous Training Available Through The CBA Flywheel Learning System</strong></li><li><strong>Employee Appreciation Events</strong></li><li><strong>Weekly Team Lunches</strong></li><li><strong>Locally Owned and Operated</strong></li></ul>

    Hiring Locations

    <p><strong>Job Title:</strong></p><p>Automotive Service Advisor /&#xa0;Writer</p><p><strong>Location: &#xa0;</strong></p><p>8555 Sancus Blvd, Columbus, OH 43240</p><p><strong>Job Overview:</strong></p><p>As an Automotive Service Advisor / Writer with Christian Brothers Automotive, you are the person that our customers look to when they need help with their vehicle. You are the person that our customers see every time they make an investment into their vehicle, because of these reasons you play a large role in building relationships with our customers. &#xa0;</p><p>Service Advisors have the responsibility of taking our customer through the entire repair process, keeping them informed of the status of their vehicle and ensuring their satisfaction before they leave our facility.</p><p><strong>Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:</strong></p><ul><li>Greet every customer that enters our facility with hospitality and respect</li><li>Present the best solution to properly repair our customer’s vehicle in a way that is easy for them to understand</li><li>Manage the store’s workflow in an effective and efficient manner</li><li>Consistently and effectively sell our services without jeopardizing honesty and integrity</li><li>Maintain a positive attitude and team atmosphere at all times</li><li>Communicate on the phone in a clear professional manner</li><li>Build long-term relationships between the store, yourself and the guests</li><li>Directs, coordinates, and participates in performing customer service activities</li><li>Shuttle customers as needed in CBA branded vehicle</li><li>Ensure that all repairs are performed to proper specifications.</li><li>Work together as a team and&#xa0;assist other employees as needed.</li><li>Other duties as&#xa0;assigned.</li></ul>


    <p><strong>Job Title:</strong></p><p>Automotive Service Advisor /&#xa0;Writer</p><p><strong>Location: &#xa0;</strong></p><p>8555 Sancus Blvd, Columbus, OH 43240</p><p><strong>Job Overview:</strong></p><p>As an Automotive Service Advisor / Writer with Christian Brothers Automotive, you are the person that our customers look to when they need help with their vehicle. You are the person that our customers see every time they make an investment into their vehicle, because of these reasons you play a large role in building relationships with our customers. &#xa0;</p><p>Service Advisors have the responsibility of taking our customer through the entire repair process, keeping them informed of the status of their vehicle and ensuring their satisfaction before they leave our facility.</p><p><strong>Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:</strong></p><ul><li>Greet every customer that enters our facility with hospitality and respect</li><li>Present the best solution to properly repair our customer’s vehicle in a way that is easy for them to understand</li><li>Manage the store’s workflow in an effective and efficient manner</li><li>Consistently and effectively sell our services without jeopardizing honesty and integrity</li><li>Maintain a positive attitude and team atmosphere at all times</li><li>Communicate on the phone in a clear professional manner</li><li>Build long-term relationships between the store, yourself and the guests</li><li>Directs, coordinates, and participates in performing customer service activities</li><li>Shuttle customers as needed in CBA branded vehicle</li><li>Ensure that all repairs are performed to proper specifications.</li><li>Work together as a team and&#xa0;assist other employees as needed.</li><li>Other duties as&#xa0;assigned.</li></ul>


    <p>Positive attitude and friendly demeanor. Upbeat</p>

    Physical Requirements

    <p>Positive attitude and friendly demeanor. Upbeat</p>

    Additional Information

    <p>Check us out!!</p><p><a href=";sca_esv=5a31cca9ef420a11&amp;source=hp&amp;ei=F4q8Z-m6CMup0PEPjYr2-AI&amp;iflsig=ACkRmUkAAAAAZ7yYJ9Ur35ofs9gTyRDSeVAZVD-hHZDH&amp;gs_ssp=eJwNyTkOgCAQAMDYmvgHGisLWS_QJ_gLICAYdRMOxd9rO1NW7dYCvJ3Kz85mWiw1zZz3fALohlmBMWxcaNZSA__B9IL9KddGWe9CdOIi0mO02gciUsQTo7s1UXikU6ZA0Dr8AKj5H_8&amp;oq=christian+brothere&amp;gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IhJjaHJpc3RpYW4gYnJvdGhlcmUqAggAMhAQLhiABBjHARgKGI4FGK8BMg0QLhiABBjHARgKGK8BMgoQABiABBixAxgKMgoQABiABBixAxgKMgoQABiABBixAxgKMgcQABiABBgKMgoQLhiABBixAxgKMgcQABiABBgKMgcQABiABBgKMgcQABiABBgKSMMlUABYnRFwAHgAkAEBmAHwAaAB-xOqAQY0LjEwLjS4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhGgAuQSwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgsQLhiABBixAxiDAcICDhAuGIAEGLEDGNEDGMcBwgIREC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYgwEYxwHCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICBRAAGIAEwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAgUQLhiABMICCxAuGIAEGNEDGMcBwgIOEC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAggQABiABBiSA8ICCxAAGIAEGJIDGIoFwgIIEC4YgAQYsQPCAggQABiABBjJA8ICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIoFwgIOEC4YgAQYxwEYjgUYrwHCAgsQLhiABBjHARivAZgDAJIHBjMuMTEuM6AHgJAC&amp;sclient=gws-wiz">christian brothers automotive columbus ohio - Google Search</a></p>

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